Partners and businesses working with the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) met to discuss how they could better join forces to promote economic growth.
Around 70 representatives of businesses, local authorities, education organisations, community groups and others attended the D2N2 Growth Hub ‘Working Together’ event, at the University of Derby’s Enterprise Centre in Derby, from 9.30am to 2pm yesterday (April 30).

The D2N2 LEP and its D2N2 Growth Hub are a partnership between business, local authorities and universities which provide help, guidance and funding to promote economic growth and create jobs in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
The Growth Hub, launched in Nottingham by Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills Matthew Hancock last December (2014), works across the area as a single point of contact for businesses to receive advice and support. It has its own website – at – which offers advice on starting up a business, growing an existing one, accessing financial support, employment and skills training, and exporting to international markets.
The Growth Hub team can also help businesses in its area access national business advice through business growth services; which include the Manufacturing Advisory Service and UK Trade & Investment (UKTI).
Delegates at yesterday’s ‘Working Together’ event heard from speakers on the current work and future plans of the D2N2 Growth Hub; and from guest speakers from the Business Growth Service, UK Trade and Investment, and Nottingham-based business development company the High Growth Academy, on how they could help companies grow.
Lindsay Allen, D2N2 Senior Programme Manager for Sector Development, said: “The D2N2 Growth Hub is there for businesses to get good quality help with finance, mentoring, skills development and innovation.
“We got positive feedback from those attending our ‘Working Together’ event on what we do, as is the case at other events we attend or run during the year, but it’s important that we keep spreading the word that the Growth Hub team and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) are here to help local businesses thrive.”
For more information about the work of the D2N2 Growth Hub go to website or call its helpline on 0333 006 9178. Further details about the work of the wider D2N2 LEP can be found at